Last night Natalie was out and William was asleep so I settled down to watch Star Wars and finish my entry for the Painting Challenge. I decided to combine the Nurgle Plague Bearer herald with the iconic Chaos Lord model that we were all painting. I didn't want to change the model too much, so I stuck with a simple head swap and added in the little Nurgling back banner. I added a horn to the left shoulder as well to balance the models silhouette as well.

The model was undercoated using Nurgling green. I didn't shade the model - instead I went straight into highlighting up the flesh with a mixture of Rakarth Flesh and Nurgling green plus white. The Rakarth Flesh doesn't really lighten the green. It just makes it look a bit more palid, which suits the scheme I was shooting for. Once the skin was highlighted up I then used purple washes in all the folds to bruise the skin up. If you want to see how this is done check out the Putrid Blightkings video on the GW channel on Youtube.

The horns are just a dark brown highlighted up, and the armour is green, agrax and then edge highlighted carefully. I decided to use blood for the blood god in all the sores, but also I added in some sharp white highlights to reflect the gore a bit. And I managed to get some of the Vallejo Fluro Green on the drip to. The axe was done using the mettalic black from vallejo and edge highlighted with gun. I also slapped on a few blobs of Typhos corrosion in places on the metal, mostly focused around the holes.

The base was a 40mm Resin base I had lying around. Its just carefully drybrushed up and then all the foliage and plants come from a Cornwall based company called Tajima. These are supposed to represent the garden of nurgle poking up around the models feet. 

I also used a bit of sponge to weather and chip the armor paint work. I find this works well if you ise it very sparingly. 

Overall I am extremely happy with how this came out, and it was great fun painting something that wasn't needed for a tournament or an army! Hopefully we will do another one of these in a month or two. 

If anyone has any questions about the model slap em in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @stevewren
