Hi guys, its that time of the week again. (and a lot of your favorites!)

Its Fantasy Celebrity Wargamer Friday.
This week its Britains finest, the amazing Kate Middleton. This time i am sure we all know who she is.

Without Further Ado, here is her Fantasy Celebrity Wargamer Profile.

What system would Kate Middleton play?:
 Kate would play Warhammer fantasy.

What army would Kate Middleton play?
Kate would play Empire!

How would Kate have got into Warhammer Fantasy
Kate would have got into Warhammer Fantasy by joining in with Prince Harry and Williams games!

What other systems or armies would  Kate likely collect in the future?
Kate would probably really want to play Dystopian Wars! or maybe X-wing, becuase everyone wants to play that!

 Thats it from Kate Middleton.

If there are any more Celebrities you would like to see in this section then let me know and i will give them a Fantasy Wargaming Bio!

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