"Kurgaal" by Max "Amon" Richiero
Centerpiece models really add a visual punch to an army, giving a reason for people to peer closer and find out what else is interesting. Converted centerpiece models are a double whammy, they stick out and invite closer inspection before moving to another model. Max has done some amazing work using small details to intrigue the eye and composing his conversions to be balanced with the existing sculpt. The paint scheme is also very well done, and incorporates a nice blend of subtlety and skill to "sell" the whole model. Conversions really grip your attention and draw people to the model when done well. However, there are conversions that can actually draw attention to other models and draw out "their" character. It's pretty impressive when it can change the way you view a model you've already seen a hundred times.
"The Crow" by Florian "Tuffskull" Weinheimer
This little guy from Rackham has so much character already, not much is needed to really "sell" the pose. The converted giant foot is really a great idea executed wonderfully, adding a David vs. Goliath stance already implied by the miniature. Adding the butterfly however is just plain brilliant. It makes you question whether the "crow" is an overly-ambitious, under developed braggart, or an under ambitious jerk of a little man. The NMM on this mini is obviously rather well done, and the color composition of the piece draws your eyes to the impending doom of the sword swing, and the butterfly itself.
"Fear" by Max "Amon" Richiero
Max has done much the same thing with this piece, as Florian has done with the crow. I have seen this gnoblar literally hundreds of times. I always imagined the oversized bravado that filled that tiny helmet. By clever conversion and setting, the gnoblar has been transitioned into the opposite reaction. The color scheme really is amazingly well done, and the paving stone drawing a line between the giant's hand and the gnoblar ties the two together visually.
Inspirational Musings.. Giants
by Pjschard | May 11, 2015