First of all I would like to thank you all once again for all your kind words about my Nurgle Helldrake! That kind of feedback is what drives me to continue building stuff! 

Having that in mind and the Tournament I want to take part in on Sunday, I decided to build a Nurgle Rhino for my growing Chaos army, mostly because I want a ride for my Marines! 

I had built a scratchbuilt paper Rhino a long time ago, when I was playing with Chaos back in the 3rd edition. It was a simple built, using some online template I had found and the result was something like this;

the "before" pics

I really liked that model, but I thought that I needed to bring it up to date with the rest of my models, so I decided to spice things up and use some bits I had around (like that great Armorcast hatch)

The end result looks like this

The pictures are a bit blurry but I had to use my cellphone again... Hope you get an idea, I will get better pictures when I finish it.

Last but definitely not least, The CoolMiniOrNot Annual is out at last!! And I am really proud to be part of it once again!

the model I have in the annual is my beloved Furioso Dreadnought, I have already placed my order and I can't wait to get my hands on it!! 

Thats all from me for now, keep your eyes peeled for the painted version of my Rhino and have a great rest of your day with some nice tunes!