The Firestorm ships I painted two weeks ago whetted my appetite for some more of these fine models from Spartan Games. So I went out to the LGS and bought up most of the Sorylians they had in stock...I really like the look of these ships. Here's to painting for fun.

I started with this Sorylian Dreadnaught. Six (large) pieces of resin. The engine cap doesn't fit very well, but the model is sweet.

Started with black primer.

I tried a few different potential paint schemes on a smaller ship first, and then settled on metal and olive green. Getting metal to look right at this scale is pretty tough. The method I used was to start with a Vallejo Surface Primer metal. I then darkened it up with a spray of black and umber washes. Then, it was time for some light drybrushing with GW Boltgun and Chainmail.

Several time consuming steps followed. First, the olive areas were lightly brush painted with Model Air Camo Light Green. Next, Reaper Pale Olive was oversprayed in patches to create highlights and tonal variation. Then came a LOT of masking. This was for the white stripes, which were sprayed on with Model Air Aged White. Floor wax was the next overall covering. After that dried, the panel lines were then "pin washed" with a mix of black and green wash with flow improver and glaze medium added to make the wash flow as easily as possible. Finally, the nose was painted: first with Dark Sea Grey, and then with Black.

Details were painted in next, starting with the OSL white-blue. This consisted of a few bright blue sprays and a final brush paint of bluish-white. A few metal pieces were also painted with bronze for some variation. Finally, the base was painted black and some clouds and stars were added to finish it off. A few oversprays of Dullcoat was the final step.

Rinse and repeat...and eight ships we are.

I'm a big fan of the Sorylian carrier model. There's something about aircraft carriers in space that I really like. The deck was painted with two tones of Panzer Aces Rubber.

And that was the project. Firestorm models...I'm a fan.

'Til next time.