This session was orignally recorded 3/8/2015.

From the Journal of Lydia the Halfling


After defeating the dragon, we decide to go to our home and rest for the night before we head to the Cragmaw Keep.  On our way, we stop at Neverwinter.  After purchasing several supplies and other things, we head back to our houses to stay the night.  

The next day we head to Cragmaw Keep and reach the outer walls of the keep at nightfall.  We just walk up to the door and attempt to go in.

As soon as we enter, a goblin attacks us.  We make an unsuccessful attempt to drag it outside and keep it quiet.  Soon after that, we find ourselves fighting with a whole horde of other goblins inside the keep.  Half the goblins are killed and three of them put to sleep.

Just then we hear another group run up outside.  

The half-orc shouts at them "Stop!  We've killed all your friends!" but they pay no heed.

After a short fight with the goblins outside, we manage to capture two of the them.

So, now we have two hobgoblins and three goblins tied up.