TJ here to announce that I have broken my yellow Necron army up for sale as individual units. Want 20 painted scarab bases? Boom. Bid for them. Three painted Annihilation Barges? Boom. Bid for them

Everything you see here is up for sale. NOT AS AN ARMY, but in individual lots.

This lits up for grabs include two command barges, three annihilation barges, a monolith, 5 tomb spiders, three night scythes, three wraiths (Ihave two more that are not finished with broken arms not included in the lot right now), a Destroyer Lord, 28 scarab bases (20 fully painted), 20 Tesla Immortals, 10 Guass Immortals, 24 Necron Warriors, 8 Crypteks, Nemesor Zahn and five Deathmarks.

This army was painted with three shades of yellow, a sponge rust pattern that was additionally filled with a metallic to make it look like the paint has chipped. Greys and whites were also used as well as blues for the weapons.

The bidding closes Saturday, May 30, so get on it with the link at the end of the e-mail. Please note that I don't ship international anymore. Sorry the postage is insane.

If you want more info on these models, please check out my Necron label for the blog and scroll down to find some articles covering how they were made and painted. 

Please take a look around if you are interested and feel free to ask for additional photos. I have plenty to share and can obviously take more.

At the end of the day, I would rather see these go out to an active player than sit on my shelf while I prioritize my Chaos and Infinity projects.

In any event, they have to go. They have been a lot of fun for me and hopefully will be as much fun or more for the next player!

There are plenty of conversions and eye candy from the warriors with their plastic tubes (made from immortal rods) or the spiders (converted before the new model came out) and more.

That is it. Make an offer and see if it sticks. There is no harm in trying. I am waiting for you to potentially take ownership of an incredible army!

UPDATE: Here is a link to my Necron stuff. Check out the sales at THIS LINK.