Badab Bloggers
Codicier Ignatius from Fourth Company Librarium, is back with episode 13 of the Badab Characters 101. And this time it's the turn of the mysterious and some what creepy Space Marines of The Exorcists. So here we go......
"The Exorcists
The Exorcists fought for the Loyalists in the Badab War. Their gene-seed is classified by Inquisitorial Bull and they are the last known surviving Chapter from the 13th, or Dark, Founding. The Exorcists are an anti-daemon force with strong ties to the Ordo Malleus, and are perhaps best known for their unique training practices. In order to inure their marines to the temptations and disorientation inherent in fighting daemons, all Exorcist aspirants are possessed by daemons and exorcised. This understandably results in very high attrition of aspirants, and the Exorcists maintain three full Scout Companies (resulting in a total of twelve Companies in the entire Chapter) in order to maintain the Chapter at full strength. In all other ways, the Exorcists are organized along Codex Astartes guidelines.
Exorcist marines are described as studious, intelligent, honourable and calm outside of battle but quite aggressive once battle is joined. They are skilled in battle-meditation, and are almost completely unable to feel both fear and pain, making them stalwart soldiers even by Astartes standards. As for overall strategy, the Chapter is capable of adopting any method of attack dictated by the Codex Astartes and are extremely adaptable and unpredictable.
During the Badab War, the Exorcists were most often found in fleet actions as they had the strongest fleet among the Loyalists (at least by the end of the war). The Exorcists took part in the Second Invasion of Sagan, along with Fire Angels, Red Scorpions, Salamanders, Raptors, and Novamarines. While most of the Loyalists dropped to the surface to battle the heavily entrenched Secessionists, the Exorcists engaged the Secessionist warships in the area before assaulting and taking an outpost world within the system. The Exorcists were later committed to the invasion the Pireaus system. Though this turned out to be a trap laid by Lugft Huron, the Exorcists acquitted themselves well on the field. Most notably, Captain Silas Alberac and his Enochian Guard blunted the Astral Claws assault and Alberac personally disabled the Astral Claws Dreadnought Ancient Kleitor.
During the assault on Badab Primaris, the Exorcists were responsible for taking the Sentinel-Signa star fortress defending the planet. They rapidly took the fortress, despite determined resistance led by the Astral Claws Captain Corien Sumatris. The Exorcists are also responsible for blockading the sector, and this alone tarnishes their record. During the confusion of Badab Primaris’ destruction, the Exorcists destroyed several ships carrying Loyalist marines that were unable to demonstrate their allegiance. More significantly, they allowed the ship carrying Huron’s body and inner circle to escape the system.
Captain Silas Alberac
Silas Alberac is the Captain of the Exorcists Third Company. He is described as being abnormally large for a Space Marine, roughly the size of an Ogryn. Despite his appearance, Alberac has both an intelligent mind and unbreakable will. He has the standard Captain statline, but is S5. This matches well with Hellslayer, a master-crafted thunder hammer that he carries. It automatically wounds any daemons or psykers, but anyone that has played with Lysander knows that S10 attacks are handy in many circumstances. Beyond this, he has fairly standard gear. He does have Feel No Pain, so he’s a bit more survivable than the standard Captain.
Silas Alberac has a few rules that benefit his army, but they aren’t major. Any squad in his army can re-roll failed Pinning tests. Additionally, any psychic powers aimed at Silas, his squad, or a vehicle he is riding in, are nullified on a 4+.
Silas Alberac is a serviceable assault character with a few rules that provide small benefits to his army. Two things make him an interesting choice. First, his army keeps Combat Tactics, which is a great rule that is lost with most Space Marine special characters. Second, he is pretty cheap and, with S10, can really threaten vehicles and most multi-wound characters and models. He’s a strong choice to lead a fluffy Exorcist army without dominating your army choices. His large size also provides a great excuse to use some of the larger third-party sculpts for marines."
The Exorcist tho seemingly unpopular with the Badab Veterans collectors, played a huge role in the Badab War especially against the Astral Claws. They defeated two of the named characters as well as allowing Huron, Valthex and Gerron to escape into the Maelstorm. So as always tell me what you think and if you know anyone who collects them let me know.