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Intro This Beer & Bolters 40k Podcast is brought to you by: Beer & Bolters 40K  Facebook:  YouTube:  Tabled Miniatures Paint Studio  Facebook:  Individually tailored miniature painting commissions – we only paint at the top levels, because you deserve the best!  Defending Our Myths and Heroes  Facebook:  Defending Our Myths And Heroes is dedicated to doing just that. Our mission is twofold.  Part one: Preserving the image of what DMH considers to be our modern day myths. To us Batman and Superman are the modern day King Arthur. We do this by respecting the characters in every way we interpret them.  The second part of our mission is to contribute to our real life heroes. These include but are not limited to firefighters, police, military personnel, educators, and individuals in certain medical fields. Every year DMH will donate a portion of its proceeds to a foundation of our choice.  Whispers from the Warp (News/Rumors)  Codex: Cult Mechanicus o Chris is losing his mind with excitement; Adam is also excited, but not as much as Chris o New codex and datacards arrive Saturday, 20MAY2015 o New units on pre-order now Tech-Priest Dominus (105 points) Corpuscarii Electro-Priests Fulgurite Electro-Priests  o Relics:  2+ Armour save to bearer + all weapons in the unit have the Cognis SR  Bearer and unit gain It Will Not Die  Every turn may choose to identify a Mysterious Objective or observe an enemy vehicle. All rolls to penetrate against an observed vehicle may be re-rolled, as well as glancing hits.  CC weapon that only Works against vehicles. Make only one attack, if hit, roll in a table:  1: Controller of target vehicle may restore one hull point  2-3: Controller of weapon decides if vehicle loses one hull point or restores one.  4-5: Same as above but 1D3  6+: Same as above but 1D6  Kastelan protocols have an immediate effect. Previous protocol may not be chosen anymore.  Model gains 1D6 CC attacks S4, AP5, Shred o Canticles of the Omnissiah:  Declared at the beginning of the turn. 3 possible effects, depending on the amount of units in your army. Cannot use the same one twice.  Canticle 1  1-3 Stubborn  4-7 Stubborn + reroll Fear, Pinning and Moral  8+ Fearless  Canticle 2  1-3 In CC, every enemy unit receives a S4 at I10 hit for every Cult model in this combat  4-7 Same as above, but 2 hits per Cult model  8+ Same as above but 3 hits  Canticle 3  1-3 Reroll 1 to hit in CC  4-7 Reroll 1 and 2 to hit in CC  8+ Reroll to hit in CC  Canticle 4  1-3 Stealth  4-7 Shrouded  8+ Both  Canticle 5  1-3 +1S  4-7 +2S  8++3S  Canticle 6  1-3 Reroll 1 to shot  4-7 Reroll 1 and 2 to shot  8+ Reroll to shot o Formations:  Cohort Cybernetica  Units o 1x Dominus o 2 Kastelan Robot Maniples  Rules o Kastelan protocols have an inmediate effect when chosen o For every Datasmith and Dominus one Robot may fire to a different target. o Dominus and the 2 maniples form a single unit. Dominus may not abandon the unit.  Elimination Maniple  Units o 2-3 units of Kataphron Destroyers o 1-3 Kastelan Robot Maniples  Rules o If one Robot inflicts one unsaved wound or a penetrating hit with a weapon with the Luminogen SR, the rest of the formation gains +1BS and ignore cover when firing to that unit.  Numinous Maniple  Units o 2-3 units of Fulgurite Electro-Priests o 2-3 units of Corpuscarii Electo-Priests  Rules o If a Corpuscarii unit is at 6" or less of 1 or more Fulgurite unit, they gain +1 shot when firing. If one unit suffers one or more unsaved wounds, it is considered "electrified" until the end of turn. o If a Fulgurite units attacks in CC to an "electrified" unit, they reroll to wound  HolyRequisitioner  Units o 1 Dominus o 2-3 Kataphron Breachers  Rules o Deep Strike o They have to stay in Reserve. When deployed, the Dom¡nus does not scatter if deployed at 6" or less of an objective marker. Breachers do not scatter as long as they arrive at 6" or less of the Dominus. o They have the Zealot and Counterattack SR when at 6" or less from a objective marker.  Codex: Adeptus Astartes (Space Marines) o 3 week long release o Week 1 (Pre-orders open Saturday, 30MAY2015)  New Assault Marine Squad  2 sprues, which build a 5 man squad  New Grav Pistols  New heads  Includes multiple pistol options  5 Bolt Pistols  5 Chainswords  2 Plasma Pistols  2 Grav Pistols  Most bits are Mk VI armour  Chapter specific upgrade kits”:  One each for: Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Dark Angels  Contains: Shoulder pads, heads, torsos, weapons o Week2  New Devastator Squad  Includes a Grav Cannon  Apparently, there will only be ONE of each Heavy Weapon in the box!  Includes bits to build one Combi-weapon of any type, but only one!  Mostly Mk V, Mk III, and Mk II bits  There were rumors that this box would contain bits for Salamanders, but those rumors have died down o Week3  New codex arrives!  Rumored to cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $100  Supposed to be absolutely massive’ we’re talking the largest codex in recent memory, if not ever  TONS of formations and detachments, allowing you to build an army tailored to your particular playstyle o Tactical Detachment o Command Detachment o Assault Doctrine (Boooooo, Chris mad!) o Mechanical Doctrine o Devastator Doctrine o Arial Detachment o Siege Detachment  Rumors of vehicle squadrons for Predators/Whirlwinds/Vindicators  Also rumors of Land Raider squadrons, which, apparently, offer significant defensive bonuses (we’ll believe it when we see it!)  New Space marine Command Tanks (maybe)  Previewed at Warhammer World a week or so ago  Function as a single HQ choice  Rhino Primaris o Orbital Array (once per game)  Brings in one unit from reserve, automatically, or...  ... Massive Blast Orbital Bombardment (S10 AP1 Ordinance 1) o Servo-Skull Hub (once per game)  One unit within 12” fires snapshots (including Overwatch) at full BS, or...  One unit within 12” gains Fearless, or...  One vehicle within 12” restores a hull point on a roll of 2+  Twin-linked Plasma Gun  Transport Capacity: 6  Land Raider Excelsior o Aquila Aegis Field (Extra Armor and a 6++) o One unit within 12” (or 18” as a 10pt upgrade) gains (choose one):  Counter-attack  Fearless  Hit & Run  Interceptor  Preferred Enemy  Sky Fire  Split Fire  Tank Hunters o 2 Twin-linked Lascannons o Grav Cannon & Grav Amp o Can take a pintle-mounted Combi-Plasma  If the Excelsior is within 24” of a friendly Rhino Primaris, the Excelsior gains +1 BS  Both tanks can take the usual vehicle upgrades  No news on points cost for the pair   Codex: Adeptus Astartes (Dark Angels) o Should arrive right after the new Space Marines codex o Short, one week release o One new character model (clampack) and that’s it!  Rumored to be an Interrogator Chaplain o The new codex is slightly longer than the 6th Ed. Codex, and contains numerous formations:  Some for the Deathwing  Some for the Ravenwing  One focused on the Darkshroud  Codex: Tzeentch Daemonkin o New codex, which should be comparable to Codex: Khorne Daemonkin in size, price, and level of content o New Lord of Change  Comparable to Bloodthirster of Khorne in terms of size and price  2 head options  2 staff options  Option to be modeled hurling a fireball  Only comes with an ovular base o Tzeentch Sorcerer  Clampack character  Styled as a Chaos Space Marines character  2 head options (helmeted and bare headed?)  Includes options for a Thousand Sons character o Rubric Marines o Release date sometime in June (probably late June)? – should be after the new Dark Angels codex