GW will be releasing a few nid kits next month. The highly used Tervigon and the swarmlord will be a great addition to the lower tier codex call TYRANIDS. Stop right there cause yes they suck, but can win just like every other codex. My hope is 6th ed will boost this army, but I'm not so sure GW will make a non-imperial codex worth anything ( especially if it is a non Matt Ward codex ). This is what grinds my gears. GW dangles a shiny new toy in hopes we buy it and throw all the damn carnifex kits we have converted away, but guess what the tyranid rules haven't changed. Let me repeat that " The tyranid rules have not changed regardless of the model you use!!" Now is the Tervigon a decent model to use. YES!!!, I take 2-4 of them almost every game. So 57 x4 + (2x57 as i run tyrannofex-i also)= $342!!! Back 2 years ago I would have paid the price and bought the models. Fast forward in the new meta, post nerf FAQ, and post 2 years of conversions. Buy these new models? Nope. 6th ed is the only hope that I will play nidz again unless i get all sentimental for a fun game, but fun will not justify $342 when I already have the converted models.

GW you are too late! Please make sure you don't do the same with Necrons. oh wait.. you are already starting to do just that ( wraith , spyders, stalkers , HQ's, we are still waiting)

Noobs: just go buy grey knights. cheaper and easy to use and has a anwser to everything .


from YTTH:

What kind of lazy fail shit is this? This is their idea of a Tyrannofex? F@cking lame. Did anyone want to tell GW they already a55r@ped their customers over the Mawloc kit, and the morons who bought that sh*t figured you the f@ck out and have since quit the hobby?

ā€œHey, this big ass model in my CC army dies the minute I put it on the table, and I bought 3! Fuck Iā€™m a rube!ā€