Here's Malice. It's hard to see from the angle but the ghosts are ok looking. My friend ask "whats up with the guy with three heads?" LOL fail
Here is Lord Scaverous. One of My favorite models of all time. The Microart Studios base if fantastic for this guy. I still am working on him, but so far I think I'm doing him justice. A word of warning!! This guys is a PITA to put together so make sure you have some kind of Zip kicker for you super glue. It is a must!!!!!
Ok This bad boy is the new Cryx Wraith engine. Also know as my C'tan :)
I stuck with the tarnished armor and the mechindrite red cloth. I'm not sure how to base hime though. the cryx base is big actually huge, but the C'tan is 40mm which is a problem for him trying to stay up. Magnets are no go as I already ruined a resin based trying to get somthing working with adding the 40mm to the larger base.
Cryx Continue
by Death Salvo | Feb 13, 2012