I wanted to tell everyone thank you for all the love, compliments and well wishes on the blog's birthday...blog-iversary...whatever it was, Thank you!!

I also wanted to say a special thanks to those of you who identified yourselves as long-time followers of the blog, even though you didn't "follow" the blog.  It's always great to know that I'm reaching, entertaining and retaining readers with my ramblings.

No, I won't make you click through to find out who won.  That's just begging for clicks, right?  Anywho, and without further ado, the winner is...


Which I find HILARIOUS considering the vast majority of the prize box is NOT 40K.  My son kept asking me why I was laughing when he picked the name out of the hat.

KS, contact me vial email (in the profile to the left) and shoot me your acceptance, as well your address within one week of this post to claim your prize. 

Keep reading folks, and I'll keep posting.  I'll be continuing the Throw Back Thursdays posts since yesterday's went so well, and I've got a lot planned for the
blog's 5th year.  I'm also happy to continue the Community Topics series, so if you have a topic request, drop it in the comments!

Thanks again everyone!

- Tim