This last week was a lot more productive than the first week.  Not surprising, given that I'm now at home and not away on work.

So I've finished nine Space Rangers by ICE, now made by EM-4.  They have the same dark blue and white color scheme of earlier ones I've painted, so that they all match.  I did decide to abandon the silver weapons.  Those just seemed too "Flash Gordon," not that Flash Gordon is bad, just not what I was looking for with these guys.  From a "realistic" standpoint, I just can't believe that people would make shiny guns, reflecting light out there on the battlefield, even if you are clomping around in power armor.

So two weeks down.  I'm not really anxious about not buying miniatures and "can I make it six months without giving in."  I'm just enjoying having a little wind in my sails when it comes to doing something hobby-related.