I am certainly not a great scratch builder like my club mate Rekrom. Have you seen his Dimachaeron yet? But one has to start somewhere, no? And this here is my start, my first scratch built miniature for the hobby. Of course it is possibly the most easy to start with, yet I am quite satisfied the way it finally turned out to look like. Maybe the next scratches are a bit more ambitious, hehe.
And I have to mention that this idea is everything but new. I’ve seen it in a late 90ies White Dwarf if I remember correctly.

Our readers almost pointed out what my new Kill Team is all about in the first post. Can you identify this beast and give it a name now?

All glory to the Hypnowalnut!

All glory to the Hypnowalnut!

Obey! Puny little human!

Obey! Puny little human!

Yes, it is basically a walnut with little bits and green stuff glued to it.

Yes, it is basically a walnut with little bits and green stuff glued to it.