Nearing the finish line on the initial Adepticon army - two more squads of Terminators are ready to deploy! Of course, no Deathwing army is possible without Belial:

Not being a fan of the new finecast version, he's been put together using leftover bits from the Deathwing kit. I have to say I was thoroughly surprised to see how many bits they packed onto those sprues! Took another run at the 'fake reflective' blade, this time in shades of black and grey - Belial's sword is described as being hewn from an onyx-like meteorite so I didn't want to do the standard blue power sword look.

The second 'tactical' squad of terminators got a plasma cannon, and a couple guys with chainfists. I really like the plasma cannon option, with the Deathwing's ability to split fire coupled with the twin-linked fire they get when they deep strike it makes the unit rather flexible.

The squad of assault terminators worked out fairly well. While I love the aesthetics of the Deathwing Knights, they seem a bit underwhelming rules-wise. A 'vanilla' squad of thunder hammer/storm shield bearing terminators led by a sergeant with lightning claws seems a good choice. Both this unit and the one above are a bit of a mish-mash of bits from the Deathwing terminator boxes and spare legs, torsos and occasional arms from the Closet of Doom. When the dust settled, I managed to build 27 terminators out of three of the new kits - quite possible the most points-to-price efficient GW purchase I've made in a long time... Heh.

Next up on the painting desk are the assault marines. So far they're just at the "blocking in the main colors" stage, but I snapped a quick pic anyway. I'm rather pleased with the sanguinary guard jump packs, it definitely ties them in aesthetically with the rest of the army. I'm a little disappointed that the veteran squads can't take jump packs, as I think it would make more sense for these to be a veteran unit, but they'll do just fine as vanilla assault marines too!