This is another of Warlord Games new kits. It consists of a resin one-piece hull and one-piece turret. To these you only have to add the following: two metal axles, four wheels, a gun, a back under-plate and a top hatch which may be fixed in the open position.
Detailing is superb and crisp. Look at the rivets, for example. Flash is pretty well nonexistant. Everything fits and locations are unambiguous. The painted kit easily takes a wash. I used Army Painter Dark Tone with a light anti-shine spray on top.
The decals are also from Warlord.
This is a photo of a real one.
The Germans took over a number of vehicles for anti-partisan use.
As a reconnaissance vehicle it was probably more useful in the turretless version, as in the British use of the Stuart light tank.
My complete collection of French AFVs from Warlord's Bolt Action range.
Highly recommended kit.