Been busy painting these girls up. Just need to finish the bases, so forgive them. Now if  I've understood the rules correctly, the Howling Banshees and Jain Zar have Acrobatics. Which gives them +3 to their run roll. Along with Jain Zar's Warlord Trait of Falcon's Swiftness which is +3 to the run roll too. So as these traits stack this unit will have a run move of D6+6!

I can imagine my opponents face as the unit moves 6" and then runs between 7" and 12". This would allow them to move into a great position to charge in turn two.  Have a game coming up this weekend so we will see how they do. If all goes well I plan on rounding the squad off, and having the full 10 man team.

But that's it for now.