Star Wars X-Wing: Starfield Board.

The Finished Board, sans scenery.

Hi guys, Today i built a new X-wing board, after buying some more "pets"

Super fast Weather Loach.

 This ones a "Weather Loach" and i thought it would be a lazy beast, sadly its the fastest thing ever when it comes out and i struggled to take photos... unlike this lazy sod.

Laziest most odd dog in the world, it has its own "invisibility cloak" and bottle toy.

Anyway! as its taking me a year and a day to produce my Hoth themed battle board, i thought i would knock out a quick and easy Star Field Board for my X-Wing games. People are fed up of flying over the wooden table top!

Luckily i managed to produce this with only bits i had laying about so it was super cheap, and super easy, not to mention super fast!

Heres how i made it.

Firstly i Aquired 2 sheets of thin board that when laid together would provide a 36"x36" playing board which is the standard size for X-Wing games.

Two plain boards.

The two boards, when laid together look like this:

Potential playing board.

 I then dug out an old tin of cheap automotive spray paint!

Cheap and nasty aerosol.

 I used the spray to give each board a light dusting before going to town on them.

Hoping i had enough paint to last.

After that i thought it would be a good idea to spray round the edges first so they would be nice and covered.

Getting the edges right.
Again after that i gave each board another 3 layers of paint, 

After 2 layers of paint.

 After the third layer, and laying them together, i had this:

Three layers and looking solid.

Then it was time for more equipment! A Toothbrush (stole from the girlfriend) some white paint. and a pot for the paint.

Equipment for Stars, with added Girlfriend's Toothbrush.

Then i flicked the hell out of it, all over the place, It was GREAT fun! sadly it was all over too soon and i ended up with this:

The Finished Article.

Awesome don't you think!

Have you made an X-wing board yet? What boards have you made?

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