So the internet just exploded and we finally have some visual of the new Age of Sigmar models!! My first instinct and impression is OMFGZZZZ awesomely cool models that are super modern. Really love this new aesthetic and I think they will be awesome to paint! 100% departure from the Tolkien esque high fantasy that I grew up with (and is my first love) but I can forgive that if the game and models are awesome.

So what can we glean from the picture:
  • Round Bases, it’s a think, it’s happening, they look cool. Looks like 32mm round, 40mm round and an 50x80mm oval (estimations)
  • “Jump” infantry with winged birdmen. Is this a drive to a 40k rule set?
  • Monster of a medium size, looks between a mournfang and a demigryph.
  • No sign of musician or standard bearer models? One of the foot knights at the back looks like he could be a champion (hammer raised). Is the guy at the back a banner bearer or some form of mage? He looks old, one eye?
  • I can’t see any ranged weapons?
  • These will make incredible conversion opportunities for space marines, aesthetic is very similar to the Adeptus Custodes (Emperor’s guard). Or Blood Angels sanguinary guard?
  • The chest plate on the “griffon” looks very similar to the chest plate on Karl Franz’s griffon and the demigryph knights, phased aesthetic introduction?
  • Needs Purple heather
What do you guys think?

#AgeOfSigmar #SoExcited


So not such a huge aesthetic departure for Chaos, looks very similar to all the 8th edition releases. Obviously all khorne. Top left monster looks a bit more chinese dragon faced? He seems to have a handler too. Standards and musicians here! Huge base for the "chaos lord"? Seems to have a familiar too. Looks like a "bsb" on the right too. 

Does this small departure from 8th edition chaos bode well for other relatively modern plastic kits?

The text seems to suggest fighting around the Gates of Azyr (the god of thunder), supports the theory of a campaign chain (think 40k dark vengeance and other recent multi army kits). Are we fighting within the realm of chaos? On a new world?