In my previous Wrath of Kings post I mentioned the miniatures.  While my post showed pictures of fully assembled and painted miniatures I wanted to make certain that readers could see the miniatures prior to cleaning, assembly, and painting.  Conveniently enough I haven't started assembling my Adepticon acquisitions.  Today's post will take a quick peek at what the boxes contain and what the models look like unassembled.  Hopefully the previous comments about so many baggies will be understood.

I dug everything out and took these quick pictures of everything as it exists and then a few of the basic infantry and a specialist so interested parties could see how simple or complex these models are to assemble.

This shot shows everything I have purchased set out on the table, still complete in bags.  What's there?  The pile consists of the Shael Han Starter Box (Contains 6 Wrath, 2 Big Sisters, 12 Dragon Legionnaires, 2 Legion Keepers, Shield of Taelfon, and Hammer of Heaven), Fulung Devourer Box (that's the big bag in the middle that goes on the 80mm base), and the Shael Han Specialist box (Deathbloom, Red Willow, and Deathbloom).  If you didn't keep track, that's 28 models.  That's a lot of tiny plastic bags for 28 models.

This is a Dragon Legionnaire.  As anyone can see the model has it's fine points.  The plastic holds detail well and it fits together reasonably well.  The plastic is a little bendier than I really like as it makes it harder to clean up without accidentally bending parts, but overall the quality is acceptable.  The pieces go together well but usually do require some cleaning up prior to pushing in the parts and gluing.  Always dry fit the miniatures!

This is a Wrath.  Wrath are big scary guys who are stronger when they are fighting multiple enemies at once.  The model is full of superb Sino-East Asian iconography and style mixed with some steampunk and mysticism.  This model comes in four pieces despite the picture showing three.  The belly plate is another piece but I tried dry fitting it and it fit so snug that I couldn't get it back out.  Note the flash on the loincloth.

If the Dragon Legionnaire and Wrath model show how simple model assembly can be, Deathbloom here shows how complex assembly can be for a smaller model.  She comes in seven pieces and I've tried dry-fitting everything together and honestly still have no idea how exactly the model goes together.  This one is going to be a pain in the butt however, it is one of the models that convinced me to go Shael Han (the others being Red Willow and the Legion Keepers).

That's it for today.  I plan on assembling the models for WoK this week but that may get delayed slightly as I have Infinity models I have to assemble and paint for demos or GenCon.  Regardless, more posts on my assembly progress will show up here in the coming weeks.