Grab your library cards and your reading spectacles folks!!!  Some serious book learnin' is coming to Wappelville!!

This is Carolina's Books, the newest establishment in Wappelville.

Yes, Lathan has been at it again, creating a truly amazing structure.  Just look at all the places where you can play peek a boo!!!

There's plenty of spaces for snipers on the roof, or even some close combat.

You can get to all the various levels by the way of interior ladders and stairways, which is very crucial in a game such as Wild West Exodus.

These covered balconies will allow for a lot of extra action types, as opposed to a more stand and shoot tete a tete.

The arches on the doors, balconies and windows are really distinctive, as it the roof crown.

These windows look fantastic!!!  Again, they go so well with all the other design elements.

Of course, more than looks were considered in the engineering of this marvel.  Each level gives you plenty of room to actually fit those miniatures!

I was able to get over a dozen figures on the various porches and overhangs with no problem.  That does not even count the roof or the interior!!

Looks like Judge Stern is about to go in and grab some more law books...

Did I mention interior?  Check this out!  This is the second floor.  Note the stairways and the ladders.

And for the ground floor.  Yes, those are book shelves!!  Hundreds of volumes.

And there's even a counter and register where you can make your purchases.

Sierra seems to have an issue over the reading choices that Judge Stern is making.  You know what they say about book club?