The idea for a new and pretty anomalous Kill Team popped up not so long ago. Therefore I had to hurry a bit to get all the miniatures ready for our Aleator Kill Team Event. Fortunately the last Enslaver got finished yesterday and I am ready to head to Flattervieh’s place in a couple of hours. Will try to take some pictures!

This is by the way what I will field (from Codex: Tyranids):

Termagant Brood
2x Devourer
Zoathrope Brood
2x additional Zoanthropes

The third and last Enslaver is ready now.

The third and last Enslaver is ready now.

The Enslaver Kill Team. 200 Points of mind-boggling xenos-warp-madness.

The Enslaver Kill Team. 200 Points of mind-boggling xenos-warp-madness.