These sessions were orignally recorded 03/15 and 03/22/2015.

From the Journal of Lydia the Halfling 



Betsy slaps one of the hobgoblins to wake him.  We ask him if he has seen Gundran.  He says that he saw him here, alive, yesterday.  We tell the two to run away and not return with friends.


We head into the hold and once more we fight a group of goblins.  After beating them, we are attacked by a group of two humanoids and a wolf.  Lydia tries to be clever and runs through a door to another room, but gets mauled by the wolf.

We manage to defeat the group, and hole up to rest for the night.



The next day we start to search the keep.  We find several golden objects anda  bloody suit of chain mail.  We also found a cask of exceptional Dwarven brandy.

Betsy finds a spear that he says fits very well in his hands.  Zinge finds a few weapons (swords) and we take them as well.  We continue to search.

In one of the rooms we hear growling and decide to check that one last.  

In a room that is close by, we find Gundran Rockseeker.  We heal him a little and then go to check what is in the "growling" room.

Most of the party waits outside and Betsy and Boris go to let the growling thing out.  It turned out to be an owlbear.  It fled the keep when they moved out of it's way.