Morning All,

DOC here to announce our fifth event "Broken Code" on Saturday 7th November 2015.  We have space for 24 players to take part in the event.  The ticket price is set at £15 which includes food (normally pizza), tea, coffee and soft drinks all day.  Also normally some of my wife's baking!  All players will also be entered into a raffle to win something special.

All code40k events are none profit and put on entirely voluntarily by the code40k group.  All proceeds are put into running the event and scenery for future events.

To enter we will require payment in advance via pay-pal or cheque and closing date for entry will be 1 week before the event.  This will also be the deadline for army lists.  To enquire about number of places available and or pay for a place by pay-pal my email is  You can also use this address to ask any questions you may have. If you would like to pay by cheque please email me and I will send you my address.

This event will see the return to a singles tournament format.  The points limit for this event for the first time will increase to 1750.  I would encourage all to take some larger toys in their lists as it will help with the time limited format.  The time limit for each game will be a little longer so we will start earlier and end a little later than previous events.

In terms of restricting what people can choose I have simple answer to this....  All GW and forgeworld is in.  The only exception is models with only experimental rules will not be allowed.  Codexes released within  two weeks of the event will not be allowed (to give me a chance!).  I know many events restrict what can be taken but the direction GW have taken means this has become a minefield now and by restricting something its impossible to tell all the knock on effects this may have.  So you can pick bound or unbound, cad, formations, datasheets and so on.  You cannot pick apocalypse only units or formations that is perhaps a step to far.

We at code40k love painted figures so all our events require a 3 colour minimum painting standard and WSIWYG.  Penalty points will be applied to players who don't meet this standard.  On the plus side prizes for Best Painted Army, Best Conversion and Best Painted Single Minature will be up for grabs.

Missions will be a variation between maelstrom and eternal war and or a combination.  I will keep my powder dry on this a little while longer as I will complete some play testing between now and the release of a full rules pack by the end of August 2015.  

Sportsmanship is at the forefront of what we like to encourage and as per previous events a vote will take place for most sporting player with the winner receiving a free place at Worcester War 6 in 2016. Please remember we only simulate war not make war!

Lastly we always strive to have enough quality scenery for everyone to play on and I can confirm plans are in progress for new themed table or two for November.  All we would ask is please give the scenery respect.

I hope this gives everyone a flavour of what we have planned.  Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have and to enter.

Look forward to seeing as many of you as possible there.


DOC out..................