Hello and good day to you still around!

Shame on me for leaving you alone for so long. I'm really sorry, but I guess you're used to that from me by now - kind of dropping off the face of the earth for some weeks or months.

Some of you may remember from my last updates that I had some discussions with my wife on the future of the "hobby" and its seriousness. It was triggered by the offer for a cooperation with a miniature producer to get some of my models and tanks produced.
This would've meant some serious changes and the hobby become a lot more important and professional.
I've been there before with a very different game (board game with counters), where I also worked with a so-called "3rd party publisher" and I designed mapboards, counters, and even game covers and magazines.
I had a lot of fun, earned some money, but then it became very serious, and I got "burned" badly.
I no longer play this game, I don't even talk about it anymore.
My wife supported me during this time, helped me to get back up, and find a new hobby.
So now she's tring to prevent me from making the same mistakes again.
I can't even express how gratefull I am for her support :)

Well, for now this cooperation and model production is off the desk, and I don't think I will get into it.
I DO feel honored by the requests of two publishers asking me to produce some of my tanks and models, but I will not mix the hobby and money making again (hopefully!).

So I have an arrangement with my wife.
To see if I can't re-route my creative juices to a more mature aspect of the hobby I do attend arts classes for 12 months to see if I can't re-focus my creativity.
I can still do 40K and stuff - if I'm interested - but currently the drawing and painting is really taking my attention.
I still think alot about 40K and models, I have ideas for a complete game system, and so forth. But currently this is all kind of second rate. I read a lot about art and artists, techniques and so forth.
I have a lot of fun with it.
Who knows what will happen?

For right now, I attend the arts classes, and focus on drawing.
To let you see what I've been doing lately, here are some of my images:

Portatit 1 (pencil on paper)
The goal here was to "iconize" the portatit. 
The Eye (pencil on paper)
simple study of an eye

Portrait 2 (chalk on paper)
This was the very first image I have ever done with chalk- a new experience and a lot of fun!
Hans (chalk on paper)
exeprimenting some more with chalk
Night on the street (chalk on paper)
Horse (chalk on paper)
first attempt with colored chalk
Light in the cave (chalk on paper)
Labrador (chalk on paper)
Morning (chalk on paper)
exerimenting with atmospheric lights
Night in the park (chalk on paper)
Monk 1 (chalk on paper)
Portatit 3 (chalk on paper)
Ying-Yang-Phoenix (Acrylics on carboard)
Here I experimented with floating and flowing lines. It was influenced by an image of Ying-Yang.
DNA-Phoenix (acrylics on cardboard)
This was the second image with the flowing lines. Again the two phoenix forms, but now they interact and form something like the DNA double-helix.
The blank paper (drybrush on paper)
I got this idea when I didn't know what to draw next. I saw my reflection in the monitor and decided to draw this situation at the same time using a new technique :)
Augenblick - Point of time (acrylics on canvas)
Bully (acrylics on paper)
I did this for my nephew Florian. He got an ld Volkswagen Bully that he wants to restaurate. Not as old as this original model, but still he's "Bully-Fan" :)
6 times (various techniques)
Here I experimented with different techniques for the same portrait.
From left to right:
Graphite, coal, inc pen, stencil for spray paint, pencil, water color

So, now you know how I spend my time these days.
I don't know what will happen to this blog, but I'm pretty sure I will continue to update it. the focus may shift a bit.
I don't know, its all still floating.
Kind of exciting for me to see which way I'm driven...
Thanks for reading and your time.
I hope you stick around.
kuk -dot- fischer -at- tesionmail - dot- de