Nick speaking,

Next game with my randomly generated Necron list, and this time it was at two thousand points and against my long lost enemy, Orks! I was really happy to see my buddy with his Orks out again, I always enjoy seeing them on the table and it's always great to play against a non Marine army!

Bingo Crons 2k

1 x Nemesor Zahnrekh (150)
1 x Illuminor Szeras (110)

10 x Warriors/Ghost Ark (235)
10 x Immortals (170) 
10 x Immortals (170) 

9 x Lychguards (225)
1 x Nightbringer Shard (240)
1 x Deceiver Shard (240)

Fast Attack
1 x Heavy Destroyer (50)

Heavy Support
1 x Doomsday Ark (170)
1 x Annihilation Barge (120)
1 x Annihilation Barge (120)

2000 Points