"How typical that the humans should rely upon crude technology to protect them. How fitting that we, the Dark Eldar should kill them where they feel safest."
-Kraegeth of the Slaughtered Heart
For my ongoing Coven forces I wanted to make some Infantry in theme with the rest of the Grotesques and wracks and other abominations I'm fielding. By mixing in a lot of Wyche and Hellion heads as well as wrack arm bits for the Sybarites and "Steel Crow Tribe" helmets from MaxMini, I was able to accomplish a unique and slightly more disturbing feel for my warriors.
There are 3 Full 10 Man squads. Each with a Dark Lance, Blaster and Sybarite. Unpainted images can be seen HERE
Painting Wise, I went with the same scheme that can be seen on my Feathered Scourges with the addition of more OSL effects on the weapons.