Well, it's been awhile! I'm still alive, life has just been nonstop crazy these past couple months. It's all good tho, as I find myself a little over a week out from my next event -- the NOVA Charity BBQ!

I'm really excited to be attending this event again as it's a lot of fun and for a good cause. While things have been quiet here on the blog there has been a little hobby activity, some gaming, and a lot of non-hobby home improvement projects, haha. My beautiful daughter also just turned 1 last week, another indicator that this was the fastest year of my life to date...

I played a tournament a few weeks back with my Dark Eldar who held their own but are also showing their age against the new power level of more recent books. I've made some minor adjustments to what I normally run, even tried out an Imperial Bastion for the first time:

When I get a chance, I'll do a quick write up of where my DE have ended up. I'll still be working on them (I'll probably always be working on them ha!) but for now, I'm feeling like switching things up for next weekend.

I don't have a new list locked yet but I'm leaning towards Space Marines, specifically Iron Hands / Clan Raukaan. The new marine book is solid and I haven't played with my Imperials in well over a year. We'll see what I can get done over the next week, and as time allows I'll try to post some updates. Till next time!