Here's a look after another night of painting this guy.  Basically I've added edge highlights with Zamesi Desert on the gold and Administratum grey on the silver parts that were airbrushed.  The other details I'm adding are blue (Kantor, Alaitoc, Hoeth), parchment (Ushabti, Seraphim sepia wash, Screaming skull), and leather (Khorne, Nuln wash, Emperor's children).  I haven't finished the parchment, base or leather, but everything else is basically done.  As I mentioned before, I think I'd like the gold a little brighter, so when I'm airbrushing I'll add a bit more highlights and maybe do a wash in the recesses to tone things down.

The base is wet in the pictures because I put some drops of army painter washes on the sand.  I do this to help speed up the painting process later (just add another wash then drybrush).

Overall I think this test model went well.  He looks decent for table top and was pretty easy to paint.  Its an interesting scale to work with, definitely larger than most of the other stuff I'm used to working with in Fantasy, so we'll see how the box goes when I pick up my pre-order this weekend.

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