After that last complete failure of a post, I almost feel obligated to write up a new one talking about something interesting.  This rule dispute came up during extensive 40k discussion last week following the release of the FAQs.   So why not share it with the world?

Before I begin, I would like to note that this piece is in discussion on Dakka Dakka.  The original thread can be found here.

The Skyfire rule states that "A model with this special rule or that fires a weapon with this special rule, fires using it's normal ballistic skill". The Broadside does not have the skyfire rule itself but the Quad gun does and the Broadsides' railgun does not.


Its still up for debate but technically it states a model in base contact may fire it so technically you can use a vehicle to shoot the gun as the vehicle has a BS.


the Skyfire rule give a person using the weapon with Skyfire, Skyfire. The SkyFire rule never applies itself to a specific weapon like every other weapon rule does, it just says a person with this rule or is using a weapon with this rules my use it's regular ballistic skill when firing at flyers, etc. if it wanted to be clear like every other weapon rule it should of specified. As it is now Yes you can use a quad-gun/broadside and Skyfire with the rail gun with a multi-tracker.

What does this mean for us marine players?

Well it means two things.  Foremost, a vehicle, such as a dreadnought or a predator, in base to base with the gun can fire the quad gun, along with its other weapons.   Secondly, if a model can fire more then one gun, then all of their other weapons gain the sky fire special rule.  

It is still way up for debate, but it is a very interesting discussion point.  If true, it could provide slightly more anti-air to an army which is struggling to deal with various flyers. 

So what does the blog think?  Is this just rules abuse?