Golden Demon 1988: Single Conversion Category.

Hi guys, after the success of the last retro Golden Demon post Here (The Vehicle conversion and scratchbuilt category) I thought i would show you some more.

This evening i will be showing you the "Single Conversion Category" To be honest i think this just means Single miniature conversion.

Anyway here we go!

#Honourary Mention: Adrian Seller's Eldar Dreadnought (Now referred to as a WraithLord?)

Adrian Sellers Wraithlord.

 Wow what a beast, i think this might be a harlequin version! look at that freehand, and who is he supposed to be? Fred Estare??

#3  "Mauron The Green" by Mark Delicata.

Tiny skeletal familiars or massive dragon?

I'm not sure what the hell this thing is myself, its a large dragon with a couple of skeletal familiars reading a spell or something. Its interesting if anything...

#2 Daniek Nazer's Beastman?

Chaos Beastman, i think.

I'm convinced this is a Beastman, although, i could be wring! knowing GW in the 80's this could easily be a space marine. Really. I like the work on the base and the banner, the actual model itself however i think the details are not all that well defined!

And Finally #1 Paul Bensens Genestealer hybrid with Telescopic legs?

WTF is going on in this picture?

 Hmm, what the hell is going on here?maybe its the lighting but i really struggle to see what i am supposed to be looking at! It looks like a Genestealer Hybrid head, with a Space Marine Jump Pack, with some kind of multi telescopic leg arrangement... Oh and a nicely painted Freehand Banner.

So thats it for GD88's Single Conversion category. 

Do you agree with the order of the finalists? Personally i think third position should have won! I love that dragon!

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