Afternoon All,

Doc here to talk about the doubles event I organised in conjunction with Worcester Wargames.

Firstly for the players taking part the link for the results is:

Massive congrats to Paul Skins Bedford on winning best painted!  Painting results are here:

I would also like to share other articles on the event from the Six up Save Guys:

I would also like to thank Lance Wittenburg for taking some great photos and being a thoroughly nice chap!  His Flickr link is:

Thanks to all who made the day great...

So a few thoughts or statements on what I thought of the day, some of these may be obvious some not so obvious....

We should start earlier Andy adjusted my original times to a 9.45am start time which is way too late everyone was there at 9.00am!  So I recommend registration from 8.30 to 9.00.  Conversely 6.30pm is too late on a Sunday with work the next day.  So recommend a 5.30 finish time from now on.

The format of mixing players up a little I felt worked and on reflection all the trepidation me and Andy had to deal with regarding this was unnecessary.

I had the usual suspects asking too many questions and accusing others.  This for me is the elephant in the room!  This is something I'm going to think long and hard on in the future and how I handle it. I even had one table asking for a ruling and then applying the exact opposite to what I had said!  The reality is it is toy soldiers nothing more than that so I cannot understand people taking it too seriously.

The other thing is list building from looking at the lists I had a pretty good idea who was going to place well and in this I was correct.  However, we also had a number of new players who are innocent to this style of play and it showed out in the lists.  Six up save as a group have the most experience and it showed in the final results.  So tip your hat to those guys and for the rest you need to up your game!   I still am not inclined to change the way the rules are written with regards to lists I feel Maelstrom in particular levels this off.

That's enough of my ramblings.  Important to say overall I enjoyed the event and hope you did also!


That's all Folks!

Doc Out