As before the idea of the rivaling Legions is still omnipresent here even though they might all be on the Warmaster’s side. Having their martial background in mind it is more than possible to imagine that the Legions might have been up to challenges and duels between each other. Sometimes even in a very brutal way if one does consider the sanguis extremis rule of the World Eaters for example.
So a Kill Team match between Flattervieh’s World Eaters and my Sons of Horus always seems like a good idea. But this time we had a special guest invited over for the very first time. As you our readers might have noticed Felix (or in some boards known as Kjeld) often leaves kind comments here on the blog. Coincidentally he owns some very nice Night Lords. Therefore we invited him and his bunch from Nostramo for a Kill Team match. So better think twice before leaving a comment here … you might very well end up having to play a match with us, haha.

Felix brought a stunning Night Lord Terror Squad with him.

Felix brought a stunning Night Lord Terror Squad with him.

Flattervieh went for a ten men strong Veteran Squad.

Flattervieh went for a ten men strong Veteran Squad.

I did almost the same, just that I chose nine Veterans and a Plasma Gun.

I did almost the same, just that I chose nine Veterans and a Plasma Gun.

The first mission was "infiltrate the camp". The Sons of Horus were the attacker and had to break through the line while the Night Lords were the defenders.

The first mission was “infiltrate the camp”. The Sons of Horus were the attacker and had to break through the line while the Night Lords were the defenders.

The Night Lords took advantage of their ability to infiltrate the board, waiting for the Sons of Horus.

The Night Lords took advantage of their ability to infiltrate the board, waiting for the Sons of Horus.

The Chtonians decided to go as a group, wiping away all obstacles in their way.

The Chtonians decided to go as a group, wiping away all obstacles in their way.

The Night Lords seized the initiative, stormed out of their hideouts and spilled the first blood as they shot down one of the Sons of Horus.

The Night Lords seized the initiative, stormed out of their hideouts and spilled the first blood as they shot down one of the Sons of Horus.

The cunning plan was to bind the Cthonians and then attack them all of a sudden from the side, thus stopping them from breaking through.

The cunning plan was to bind the Cthonians and then attack them all of a sudden from the side, thus stopping them from breaking through.

Unfortunately the Night Lords' power armour was not very reliable that day. They had no chance to stand the Sons of Horus' Bolter fire. And as the rest of the Night Lords appeared their prey had already passed through.

Unfortunately the Night Lords’ power armour was not very reliable that day. They had no chance to stand the Sons of Horus’ Bolter fire. And as the rest of the Night Lords appeared their prey had already passed through.

The Sons of Night Haunter were not lucky that day. Their team got broken and some of them decided to leave the battlefield.

The Sons of Night Haunter were not lucky that day. Their team got broken and some of them decided to leave the battlefield.

So even if they managed to successfully shoot two Marines in the back (pretty much the Night Lords style, hehe) they could not win the match as most of the Sons of Horus made it over the board's edge.

So even if they managed to successfully shoot two Marines in the back (pretty much the Night Lords style, hehe) they could not win the match as most of the Sons of Horus made it over the board’s edge.

The next mission was "Headhunt".

The next mission was “Headhunt”.

The World Eaters ...

The World Eaters …

... started the match in two separated groups.

… started the match in two separated groups.

Just like the Night Lords did.

Just like the Night Lords did.

The price was on the heads of the teams' leaders and specialists.

The price was on the heads of the teams’ leaders and specialists.

Soon the Marines found each other in the dark of the Zone Mortalis.

Soon the Marines found each other in the dark of the Zone Mortalis.

A very classic and brutal battle was about to begin.

A very classic and brutal battle was about to begin.

First there came Bolter fire from both sides.

First there came Bolter fire from both sides.

Then the fierce madness of close combat began. Both teams' Sergeants started the battle with an epic duel. The World Eater went into combat with brutal strength and fast rage while the Night Lord fought with lightning fast strikes and bitter grimness.

Then the fierce madness of close combat began. Both teams’ Sergeants started the battle with an epic duel. The World Eater went into combat with brutal strength and fast rage while the Night Lord fought with lightning fast strikes and bitter grimness.

After some nerve-stretching dice rolls the master of the Night Lords Kill Team was victorious. His nostraman chainglaive was the key to his triumph.

After some nerve-stretching dice rolls the master of the Night Lords Kill Team was victorious. His nostraman chainglaive was the key to his triumph.

Some corridors away there were only two marines left, both still bound in combat.

Some corridors away there were only two marines left, both still bound in combat.

The Night Lords Sergeant's triumph did not last long as he fell shortly after during the ongoing battle.

The Night Lords Sergeant’s triumph did not last long as he fell shortly after during the ongoing battle.

Both sides suffered heavy casualties...

Both sides suffered heavy casualties…

...and both Kill Teams were soon broken.

…and both Kill Teams were soon broken.

Now it were only four Marines left fighting...

Now it were only four Marines left fighting…

...for the honour of their Legions.

…for the honour of their Legions.

Finally the last two Night Lords overwhelmed the last World Eater and the Sons of Night Haunter won a very tight victory.

Finally the last two Night Lords overwhelmed the last World Eater and the Sons of Night Haunter won a very tight victory.

I would like to say cheers to my mates Flattervieh and especially to my new gaming companion Felix/Kjeld. Thanks for the great day guys. My match was over a bit too fast (there was not a single close combat) but the tight match thereafter was very cool to watch.
I am pretty sure this won’t be the last time you’ll read about the Night Lords here. I have some ideas for a similar, yet bigger match in mind. Remember Abaddon duelling the World Eaters and Typhon? Imagine something similar with Loken VS Kharn VS Sevatar and you’ll get an idea what I have in mind.