So at our FLGS (Worthy Games), we have started playing Dreadball, which you might have seen floating around.
If you’ve not seen/ heard of it, Its an action/sports game based around american football , played with your usual assortment of fantastical creatures (Humans, Orks, Ratmen and Dwarves so far), so obvious comparisons are drawn to Bloodbowl...although it plays a bit differently; its faster paced and the game mechanics make it feel (to me at least), like you are playing a well thought out and dedicated sports game.

The teams are nice and cheap at £15 and come in their own case, which are like foam filled VHS boxes (sure I’ve seen that somewhere else...).
I’ve gone for the Ork/Goblin themed ones and decided that they would need some corporate sponsorship. In the Demolition Man, it was Taco Bell who won the corporation wars but come would really be McDs (who in my mind went on to buy and run really these guys would be the US national team...). Hence, the McDeaths!