I finished my Blood Bowl pitch well over a year ago, and completed this team at around the same time. Since then, they've avoided being photographed, until now. When starting Blood Bowl, I decided to play a Chaos team, but model the entire team as Beastmen instead of the mix of Chaos Warriors and Beastmen that is standard. 

Since our league started at 1000gp, I decided to max out on Chaos Warriors (taking four), and skip the Minotaur. Seven normal beastmen and three rerolls took me to 1000gp exactly.

All the miniatures are GW Ungors, which are the lightest armoured Beastmen available and come in reasonably active poses. Handily, the set I bought contained four heads with downwards pointing horns, and eight with upwards pointing horns so I gave all the Beastman/Warrior stand ins the former to help distinguish them.

I then gave the Warriors some armour to reflect their higher AV, and to make them stand out even more. I also painted them a darker shade of brown.

All the players sport the team colours of turquoise (GW Hawk Turquoise to be exact) and white, which provide an excellent contrast to the shades of brown that most of the models are coloured.

The only other colours used were a dirty off-white for the bandages, and silver for the chips in the paintwork. Using such a small palette kept the figures, which wear a variety of clothing, looking uniform.

The other key component of the paint scheme is the tattoos that cover most of the player's bodies. These were painted on in a dark mixture of turquoise and black.

The tattoo designs borrow heavily from Maori Tā Moko (or kirituhi) designs, simplified to make them work on a 28mm figure. 

Several figures also sport a stylised bull's head as a tattoo or painted on their armour, this being the team logo. The groin plate is uniformly white and displays the player's number for in game use.

Bases were finished in my usual temperate style - static grass was added after these pictures were taken.

One of the Chaos team's main advantages is it's easy access to mutations. This player sports an extra arm, which is the first mutation I take when my first player levels up. They then get assigned to full back duty, hanging back and picking up the ball from long kicks.

Everyone else gets Block as a first upgrade, followed by a variety of different upgrades depending on their intended position - the Chaos Warriors get Guard, while I normally appoint a couple of Beastmen (ideally those who roll agility increases) as catchers to facilitate a passing game.

I also have a twelfth miniature that is being converted to sport the Claw mutation and will be displayed on completion. 

I also hope to acquire a Minotaur and a couple more subsitutes to round out my squad, and get back into a league to give them some game time.

Next we'll have a few single miniatures for various systems, before returning to unit painting with my long WIP Fantasy Chaos army, which is being rebased for Age of Sigmar.