War Games Con Legend of the Five Rings Event Info and Schedule available for download!
Special Guest -
Bryan Reese - Lead Designer of the L5R CCG
Kotei -
Koteis are regional tournaments that determine the outcome of the story in the overall card game. Swiss format as stated in the latest edition of the floor rules.
Heroes of Rokugan -
Heroes of Rokugan is a fan run Interactive RPG that revolves around a semi-living world and has players run through normal table top sessions to build and play a character and then has a major interactive scenario where the players take their characters and actually play out a full interactive scenario to solve the overarching storyline.
Side Events -
We are proud to announce that in conjunciton with Heroes of Rokugan, we will be running an HoR political interactive module over the course of the entire War Games Con convention. (Exact scheduling for sessions and the exact time of the political module will be announce soon). We will also be running other CCG side events on non-Kotei days for those interested in attending the rest of the convention.
For more information about Legend of the Five Rings, please visit http://www.l5r.com
Dont Forget to Register and Save Your Spot!
If you are registering for just the Kotei, please include the following note “ L5R KOTEI ONLY” when purchasing your floor badge so the proper refund can be given.