Black Orcs are certainly one of the worst things that could happen to a bunch of Heroes. Just look at their impressive profile! Also their background as an evil breed of the Dawi Zarr is pretty cool and much in the vein of Tolkien. I imagine my six Black Orcs to be no real part of Gorgut’s Black Fang Orcs but as a group of very expansive mercenaries which were hired by Gorgut.
This was by the way the next to last event card before I am through with the expansion “Lair of the Orc Lord” – yay!

Three new Black Orc Mercenaries ...

Three new Black Orc Mercenaries …

... ready to crush Gorgut's enemies.

… ready to crush Gorgut’s enemies.

The whole bunch of Black Orcs.

The whole bunch of Black Orcs.

Another finished event card, just one more to go!

Another finished event card, just one more to go!