I’ve been playing the 4th and 5th edition of Warhammer a lot as a wee young lad back in the day. I never really bothered to start again as my old mates quit the hobby and my focus with the new players such as the Aleatores was on 40K and the likes. Yet most of the other Aleator guys also had their history with Warhammer thus the thought of starting again was present ever since. This accumulated with the brand new release of Age of Sigmar. The most horrible choice (at least for me) was picking a fraction as I would like to work on so many of them. Eventually I went for the Dwarves as they were the first army I chose when I started the Warhammer hobby. Seems like an appropriate choice.
As the sheer amount of ideas and GW-Games we are playing and would like to play seems to grow over our heads we’ll have to wait and see how far the Warhammer project goes. During the coming weeks I’ll talk about what we have planed and how we would like to get started.

I picked a classic colour scheme for my dwarves. They hail from Zhufbar and are part of the Stonebreakers Clan with a strong (almost Bavarian) blue and white as their heraldry. The first Dwarf as a test is ready now.

The first Dwarf from Zhufbar

The first Dwarf from Zhufbar

Some of you might be familiar with the Dwarf Warriors box of the 8th edition and notice a slight difference here. My Dwarf’s head is in fact from the Dwarf Warrior box of the 6th/7th edition. I think they are a great addition to bring in more variety. A bit of green stuff work is needed though.

As the miniatures lack the front of their chest one has to sculpt it.

As the miniatures lack the front of their chest one has to sculpt it.