This...thing is a Reaper Bones monster that I picked up on a whim and painted in between the batches of Anglo Saxons.

Like all Bones figures, it comes in Reaper's strange white plastic/resin hybrid. Fortunately the shape of the mini meant that the material didn't cause many problems - I gave up trying to remove all the mould lines on the legs.

I went for a red, fleshy tone rather than the more lurid greens or blues that I've seen displayed. As a monster, it's hard enough to take seriously as it it.

The large, textured surfaces responded well to several layers of drybrushing to get a variety of tones, followed by lots of washes to tie it all together and then block painting in the eyes.

Hopefully I'll get a chance to use it in a D&D campaign sooner or later, with some kind of medusa-like abilities made worse by the multitude of eyes.

Next up, a much delayed unit of Fire Dragons for my Eldar army.