Heya all! 

As far as you can see I am getting my hands very dirty the past 2 weeks getting prepared for the tournament this Sunday! I had some changes in my Chaos Army list, so I had to build myself a Rhino for my Nurgle Chaos Marines (thats right, I didn't say Plague Marines as these are just Chaos marines with Mark of Nurgle, they are cheaper and still tough as nails... hope they serve me right!)

So following my latest post about pimping my old paper Rhino I stayed up late tonight to finish painting the little fella. Yeah, thats right, this is a paper model made from scratch using some online templates I have long lost (although I'm sure that a google search would bring up quite a few results) and a raid over my bitz box! I think I'm gonna try making a Vindicator as well! :P

I used the same recipe as in my Helldrake  for painting it as I was really happy with the results and I must say that I am happy with this one as well!

So there you go! Hope you like it as much as I do! Any comments are more than welcome! Don't forget to pop me a vote on CoolMiniOrNot as always!

Take care and listen to great music!!