Long time no see, eh? I have just a quick little update to today. It's been all work and (mostly) no play here lately. My new job has been kicking my butt with some projects. But I've still been getting some hobby on, including playing a new game *gasp*. More on that later.

But I wanted to share a Kickstarter project that I'm excited about which is a set of Halfling Adventurers by my ever-favorite Stonehaven Miniatures. It's live now and has 9 more days until it's complete. They've already reached their funding goal and have unlocked a ton of cool stretch goals.

One of 4 available merry bands.
I've pledged for everything available thus far, because I have problems not converting my money into miniatures. I'm very fond of the non-adventerers they have available this time as well- a whole inn's worth of staff. I love characters like this that you can use to fill out your RPG campaign scenes with. Who needs a generic NPC when you could have a halfling stable hand?

More to come later this week, including an update on what I've been up to (besides working long hours). Hint: it starts with Histor and ends with icon.