Before I headed off to GenCon, I managed to get these four vehicles to a pretty decent place. After returning from the show (and a week's family vacation at the beach), I was all revved up to get some paint on them!

Here's the first one, tentatively called Flaming Arrow. This is a '32 Ford Vicky. Originally I was going to use is as the basis for the Elvis car, but once I found a much better Elvis (see below) this one was relegated to a simple pursuit vehicle. Of course, should anyone have a better name for it, please feel free to suggest it below : )

I liked the rusty flames motif from my Flammencruizer, so I figured I'd follow it through on this one. The bright, rusty orange pops nicely against the flat black.

Currently I'm waiting this up with the Flammencruizer, so she has become a pursuit vehicle from Gas Town. Next up for the Gas Town fleet will be the VW Beetle, plus a couple of polecats.

I bought this car (a '32 Ford coupe) to donate the front fenders to my Nux car, but after I'd done that I realized it looked quite a bit like the Elvis car that is an outrider for the War Rig (the one that never gets to fire a shot as it flips into a pit trap set by the Buzzards in the film).

I had to extend the chassis a bit to accommodate the second engine, donated from a second '32 Ford to will now join the pile of potential War Rig add-ons.

The thundersticks are simply straightened paper clips topped with plastic rod and trimmed with some old string/

Next up will be the first of my plough cars (the ones with harpoons and ploughs) and the next "character" car I have finished - Bigfoot!
