This week, as well as finishing off four other cars, I also painted up the Nux car. I was pretty excited to paint it, and was quite surprised how little time it took, even stopping between layers to take the photos.

A few people have asked how I've been painting the "shiny and chrome" cars, so here's a quick look.

VMC = Vallejo Model Color
VGC = Vallejo Game Color
VMA = Vallejo Model Air
AP = Army Painter

Step One: Heavy drybrush of VGC Tinny Tin.

Step Two: An overbrush of AP Gun Metal

Step Three: A thin wash of AP Strong Tone over the whole model. Another wash of AP Strong Tone on the areas that will not be shiny. Some specific shading on the flat panels with thinned VGC Charred Brown.

Step Four: Highlight the shiny areas with a thin layer of VMA Aluminum, and then highlight again with VMA Aluminum.

Step Five: Paint everything that won't be metal with black and then paint/highlight each individual area.

Step Six: Glue on your pre-painted thundersticks.

I hope that helps with painting your very shiny cars (or whatever).
