Hey guys! So it's month 3 of the PaintingChallenge and Domus/Steve Herner (Last month's Winner) have chosen the awesome End Times Goddess Loving Bro Araloth!

The goal is to challenge yourself to paint something out of your comfort zone, try a new technique or just try a new paint! Official start date is the 17th of August but if you have started recently we can be flexible about it and the submission deadline is the 4th of October (I'm away for 4 weeks!!!). Aim would be for me to do a blog post at the end of the month with all the entrants models shown and let the comments/votes/#RichHate begin!

Rough plan would be as follows:

  • Paint one GW plastic hero kit, starting 17th August with Submission by October 4th (2359 BST). 
  • Feel free to go nuts and be creative with conversions but please keep the original model as the key focus of your project.
  • Each entrant gains one vote (vote by saying your choice as a comment in the wrap up post) and innocent bystanders can vote too as long as they state their twitter or forum handle
  • Please submit pictures of your my via DM on twitter by the above stated date and time.

Let me know if you are interested in joining or have any suggestions, please sign up below (as a comment) if you want to get involved. Please tweet with the hashtag #PaintingChallenge Hope you guys like the idea!