Its here at last. My final Dystopian Legions Starter set review. (Just in time to start looking at Wave 3!)
Make sure you check out the captions on the painted mini pics as some have mixtures of models in. Couldn't find separate pics for each Section I'm afraid.

Federated States of America Starter Set
Lets start off by taking a look at the box it all comes in .
On the front you have a full colour render of the Federated States of America (FSA) Federal Infantry Sergeant and a contents list. The back of the box gives you a little bit of info about the force and renders of each model included.
You may know by now that I LOVE the fact Spartan Games use renders taken straight from the models. It means you can see exactly what the models look like without having your eye drawn to certain parts by the paint job.

In the box is a LOT of stuff once again.

- 80 Page Full Colour Dystopian Legions (DL) Quickstart Rulebook. Not your usual 'Quickstart' rules either. This includes everything you need to play a full game

- Red, Blue and Black Dice. 24 in total

- Laser Cut DL 'Range Band' Ruler

- FSA Stat Sheet. For all the models included.

- DL Tokens sheet. Needs cutting

- FSA Game Card Deck. Force specific game cards plus a couple of special cards for the Character and Veterans.

- FSA Blank Activation Cards

- 14 High Detail Metal models plus bases.

So much stuff in 1 box! This is also EVERYTHING you need to play the game. No need to find extra dice, cards, rulers or print more stats. You just need a table and an opponent.
For more info on the rules including the Game Cards, Activation Cards and dice colours you can check out my post on the Rulebook >HERE<

Doctor Orglington and FSA Lieutenant
Doc Orlington on large base in the middle. Infantry Sergeant to the left.
Doc Orlington is a freelancer also known as 'Scatergun Sam'. Personally field testing new weapons on the front line he favours his twin wrist-mounted snub Gatling guns. Loaded with his own 'special reserve' ammunition he is the perfect troubleshooter.
The Lieutenants of the FSA are a tough breed, capable of inspiring their hardy troops to great feats of valour.
Carefully versed in all of the FSA tactics they lead the Sections while picking out enemies with a Model 4 Revolver and blade.

Left- Doc Orlington Right- FSA Lieutenant
The model for Doc Orlington is by far one of my favourites in the entire range. He comes in 2 parts with the main body and an additional Gatling barrel. Simple to assemble. Doc is very highly detailed and packed full of character from the cigar gripping grin to the steampunk style goggles on his hat.
The FSA Lieutenant is a one piece model. Although he is similar to the Infantry Sergeant you can tell them apart by the fact the Lieutenant has a moustache. This is obviously a symbol of rank in the FSA forces!
These 2 metal models are fantastic quality. A couple of tiny vents (where the air escapes the mould) in easy to remove places and some barely visible mould lines that can be taken off in seconds.
Very impressed with the both of them

Buffalo Hunters and Scouts
2 Buffalo Hunters and a Scout stalking around the treeline
The Buffalo Hunters and Scout in the FSA forces are freelancers and mercenaries. Hardy mountain men and natives from the Great Plains can become deadly snipers or assassins that lay bear traps in the paths of oncoming opponents.

Above are the 2 Buffalo Hunters. Armed with Hunting Rifles and Revolvers they are lethal close up and far away.
Both are single piece metal models jam packed full of high quality detail. The Hunter on the left has a large support from the base to the gun that needs to be clipped off and filed flat but apart from that they are extremely clean models. One or two vents and then they are ready to go!

These 2 are the Scouts. Along with the Rifles and Revolvers they also carry Bear Traps and Tomahawks. Not the sort of person you want to meet in the woods on your own.
These come with a main body each and then two or three smaller parts. This means there are a few more vents and tabs to remove and file, but they still go together well.
Another pair of very detailed and characterful models.

Federal Infantry and LMG Specialist
Federal Infatry with LMG in front rank and FSA Lieutenant in the rear
The Federal Infanty , or FIs, use Doctorines unlike the European forces. They fight in loose highly mobile units and excel in small unit tactics.
Closing on their targets they take them down with rapid-firing Winchester Carbines and Orlington Light Machineguns before falling back before the enemy can retaliate.

Left- FI Sergeant Right- LMG Specialist
As mention above, the FI Sergeant is very similar to the FSA Lieutenant. Just minus the facial hair!
A one piece model armed with a revolver and blade. The detail is again fantastic and the cast is very high quality. A couple of tiny vents and that's it. Base and go!
The FI Specialist with a LMG comes in 2 parts. Body and weapon. The body is another clean piece but the weapon does have a few vents that will need removing. Slightly less detailed than the Sergeant but still much more than your usual troops in other games.

Federal Infantry Section
The Federal Infantry (FIs) are single part models. The sport impressive looking Winchester Repeating Carbines than use an ammo tube that runs to the backpack. I love the look of these weapons as they are so different to any others in the game.
You will also notice that all 8 (inc Serg and Spec) models in the Section are different sculpts. You can also get an add-on that adds another 2 sculpts as well. This is an awesome things for a game that uses units. In most other game like that you will have at least 2 of each sculpt in each unit. Not in DL! Spartan Games have made these Sections look awesome! (Can you tell I like it?)
The model need a little bit of a clean up as there are a few vents on them but all are in places without lots of detail so they are easy to clip and file down.

This FSA box set comes in at £36 from The Troll Trader. Yes, £36 for all the stuff in that box! You cant go wrong at that price! I would have happily payed more and not complained.
There are £35 sets out there for some games with less than half the amount in.

If you have read this far you might have noticed that I like the FSA Starter set. To begin with, the FSA was my least favourite style. But after seeing the models up close and having a look over them I am becoming a big fan.
The casting and amazing detail are such high quality. Along with the historical / steampunk mix it gives an impressive look force.
For me there is a tiny something missing. I just cant put my finger on what it is though. Maybe the fact that the Vets in the other forces are more outlandish? I don't know.

9 out of 10 Badger Points!

Head over to the Spartan Games Site and take a look at what else they have on offer for Dystopian Legions.
Also, keep an eye on here for the next wave of releases coming soon!

Hendybadger awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!