The new work schedule has really bit into my hobby time these days, but I managed to carve out a little time to work on another model for the Inq28 warbands. Today it's the head of the Ordo Hereticus warband, Inquisitor Helios.

Inquisitor Helios is a hard-line Puritan of the Ordo Hereticus, a man of firm and unswerving dedication to the Emperor who has spent a lifetime rooting out the foes of the Imperium both in the depths of the hive spires of the core worlds, as well as in the far-flung reaches of the galaxy. Wearing an ancient set of Terminator armour and bearing a combi-psicannon and force stave, Helios is not only a terrifying combatant but also a potent psyker who has used his powers to destroy innumerable cells of rogue warlocks and demagogues of chaos.

I've had the bits for this model banging around in the Closet of Doom for nearly 30 years, the body is from one of the first incarnations of the Grey Knights, while the arms are from the old terminator inquisitor (which had been used in another project ages ago). Felt good to get an old school mini finished up for the modern age!