Welcome to our humble corner of the blogosphere, here is my latest offering to the terrain gods, a sizeable Shrine of the Aquila. A great thematic terrain piece and in these days of D Weapon toting Wraithknights and Imperial Knights, a good line of sight blocker and cover.
The main colour was a GW Zandri Dust spray, washed with Agrax Earthshade and drybrushed with Ushabti Bone. The walkways were drybrushed with Leadbelcher and a few small details done.
The piles of rubble were simply off cuts from sprue, chopped up with cutters, and the base was my usual 3mm hardboard, cut with a jigsaw and sanded edges. This was painted Calthan Brown (the large pot of brown in the GW Scenery Pack) and drybrushed Kommando Khaki and Ushabti Bone.I thought I'd add a little spot colour with the lamppost and lamps. A simple blue with black centre and a white point to resemble glass, hopefully it does the job nicely.
Another one is on the way, to make a big centre piece terrain. Thanks for dropping by, and more more ideas, check out the Terrain Label in the side bar or HERE. And another bit done during my 6 month mountain reducing painting challenge (6MMRPC). Cheers, Siph.