Today we have some news on the prizes for the Batman Worldwide Tournament.
The UK event will be held at Wollaton Hall in Nottingham which you may recognize as WAYNE MANOR from the Dark Knight movies.

While there is still a boxes of official goodies to come in from Knight Models and DC Comics, all this is in hand.....

Two, yes TWO, Arkham Asylums! This will be for the overall winner and the best Cosplay.

All of these other goodies are up for grabs as well. KR cases, canvases and assorted Batman bits.
As I said, there is still stuff to come in from KM and DC so expect to see lots of models and comics as well.
I'm sure ToaTS can sort out some minis as well ;)

With a month to go, there are now only 30 places left for this event.
If you want to take parts, tickets are £12.50 and payable via Paypal to

Will you be playing Batman at Batman's house on Batman day to win some Batman stuff?

- Batman.......... I mean Hendybadger