This season has been kind of slow.  Armies are being built, and the tournaments are restructuring.  That doesn't mean that we've been utterly idle - in fact, new forces are about to clash as the last month of our 2015 season begins!

So where are we at now, with Western Immoren?

For us, the factions are solidifying together nicely.  We've got a large collection of models, and despite our best attempts at marshaling the growth and keeping it in check, it's gotten away from us a bit.  Gatekeepers just like the models.  It's a no-brainer.

So, like our other games, we'll be focusing on specific conflicts as we grow and develop our armies. The Cygnar Royal Army, the Northern Crusade Army and the Nightmare Army will be the "big three" each made up of , and Retribution will gain the Mercenary forces of the Highborn Covenant as part of the Vindication Army.  These armies will form the focus for our club for the next few years as we explore two major skirmishes along the Cygnar border.

Marked on the map above are the incursion zones.

The green area marks increased Cryxian activity.  Something horrific is no doubt brooding on the horizon for this area, and rumor has it trencher units are being directed to the westmost terminus of the Twelve Day Road.  The proximity of the nearby Garlghast Island has always been a concern, but the goings-on of late have been full of sinister omens.

The purple area marks the area where the Northern Crusade Army finds itself under attack by Retribution forces.  These highly disciplined and motivated forces are augmented by Mercenary companies from the Iron Kingdoms - an interesting development indeed.  The Protectorate has ordered these supply caravans to be defended at all cost, as they are critical to continued activity further north.

At the outset, the Vindication Army has a foothold in the north - but the Protectorate has yet to mount a meaningful attack on this position.  Cryx's outward feeling tendrils have been clipped, but Nightmare Army forces fester all over the countryside, waiting for the right time to attack.  It is a time of tense skirmishes, but very soon the entire region will be embroiled in dire warfare.

This season is therefore preparatory time for next year's hardcore tournaments.  With painted warriors and a nice terrain set, we will make the Iron Kingdoms just as realized as any other game we've played.  It's almost Season 4, though...and the Wargate waits.