Hi all!
I made a mistake. A BIG mistake. In my excitement of building Arkham, I used the back of my city board and didn't realize until it was too late.

This did give me the perfect excuse to work on some new boards though.
Overall I'm planning 5 different boards to use with the Batman game, some with interchangeable scenery, some fixed.

I dug out and old file I had from Fat Dragon Games and got to work.

The first one needed some roads as it's going to be a city block. I wanted to keep and angles there to break up the usual cross board fire and charge lanes and force some interesting movement.
These buildings can be moved or replaced so it makes it a very flexible board that can be used for a lot of settings. Most buildings here are from Sarissa Precision but they could get replaced or stacked higher yet.

Next up, again using the Fat Dragon tile was an Industrial District.
I want for a single road this time going around one corners. I know that opens up cross board lanes but on this one they will be blocked with more scatter terrain.
The buildings are also interchangeable on this one so new bits can be added to swapped with the city block. The TTCombat Bank will probably head to the city while the Impudent Mortal bits need to stay on a higher board like this one.

Talking of swapping things around, there will be some new additions to these boards soon.
TTCombat have a new gothic warehouse and courthouse that would be a great fit. The Olympus building from Multiverse Gaming is also a good size and very well detailed. I hope we get to see some of the city buildings Knight Models had at a show a while back as well.
The industrial district will be getting some love from Wargame Model Mods. A Hydro plant with a moving generator and lights, a tech building with lights and some silos to go with the chem plant.

Board #3 will be a dockside board.
My friend Jack sent me a printable board (below) that fits the setting really well and it will be filled with Wolsung warehouses and walkways along with a big crane from Fenris Games and a water section for the Bat-Boat!
A couple of the above buildings might also fit as well as a Lincoln building from TTComabt and a great Warehouse from Multiverse Gaming (neither pictured)

Board 4 is something you have seen a lot of on here already. Arkham Asylum with a base created 'just' for that set.
Work continues on this and it should hopefully be finished soon.

Finally is board 5. The Batcave!
The picture below belongs to Ian Alcock but it's a good representation of the sort of thing I'm going for though.
There are things in the works for this one but I don't know how far off it will be at the moment.

What boards are you working on at the moment?
Do you think this will be enough for any setting I might need?
If not, what would you add / remove?

Until next time.....